Unauthorised Card Surcharge
Merchants are not allowed to impose a surcharge or set minimum purchase amount on debit card or credit card payment. The prohibition on surcharges is monitored and enforced by banks that provide e-payment facilities to merchants.
How to lodge a complaint
You may lodge a complaint to the merchant acquirer who provides payment card acceptance facility to the retailer or alternatively to your payment card issuer.

Information required (Please refer to the images below)

Your personal details (e.g. full name, NRIC number, phone number)

Full name and address of merchant

Name of the merchant acquirer – institution that provides payment terminals

Evidence that the merchant is imposing a surcharge or minimum purchase amount
Ways to submit a complaint to your payment card issuer or merchant acquirer
Lodge your grievances with the bank that issued your payment card or the merchant acquirer who provides the payment card acceptance facility to the retailer.
Contact the respective bank or merchant acquirer to lodge your complaint through the website, customer service hotline or at the nearest branch.
Ensure you have the information as required as stated above.
Please take note of the below:
- Lodging a complaint facilitates merchant acquirers to take necessary actions ensuring merchants cease imposing surcharges or minimum purchase amount on payment card transactions.
- This does not guarantee the complainant will receive a refund of any surcharge paid to the merchant.
- Customers who do not wish to pay a surcharge or the minimum purchase amount imposed are advised to purchase goods and services from merchants who do not impose a surcharge or the minimum purchase amount.